University of Applied Arts Vienna, Studio Greg Lynn 2007
Inspired by Rene Daalder's the project addresses architecture, landscape and urban constraints of extra terrestrial design. While researching NASA's suburban proposals for space colonies of 1970s and the development of contemporary space tourism, I was working on outer atmosphere, gravity and weightlessness within an architectural design topic. Circular sections define the architectural spacial organization in zero gravity and are developed from a biological research into human vertebra as well as historic architectural precedent Palladio's Villa Rotonda. The combination of soft and hard elements within the organic structure relate to bone and flesh as in the human body. The design explores new horizons within built structures in outer space and generates enticing spacial qualities and enigmatic visual effects in the interior space.
Text by Julia Koerner 2014
2014 AD Magazine - Neil Leach - Space
2010 VISUAL CATALOG: Greg Lynn's Studio at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Springer publication
2010 OTHER SPACE ODYSSEYS Greg Lynn, Michael Maltzan, Alessandro Poli Centre Canadien
dArchitecture, MONTREAL, CANADA
2007, Rene Dalder, Space colonies and special effects, Los Angeles
2007 THE ESSENCE, Exhibitions of dieAngewandte at MAK Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria